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McGregor profanely responded on Twitter and wrote, 'You'll strip me of nothing.' McGregor is tight with UFC 223 fighter Artem Lobov, who was involved this week in a scuffle in a hotel with Khabib Nurmagomedov. White also said this week he did not expect McGregor to attend Saturday's UFC 223 card. He was shown tossing trash cans and causing trouble during his unannounced appearance in New York.Ī timeline of Conor McGregor's outburst at UFC 223 media day, according to /PtBye1tWiQMcGregor hasn't fought for UFC since November 2016 and was stripped this week by UFC President Dana White of the 155-pound championship he had never defended. Video showed him with a group of people causing chaos as they took an elevator to the loading dock at the arena. McGregor crashed a press conference Thursday at Barclays Center. NEW YORK - Conor McGregor was involved in a backstage melee, and video footage appears to show the UFC star throwing a guard rail at a bus full of fighters on Saturday's card.

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